Lokjo is the first worldwide & non-profit map from European soil where you can find all local shops & places, regardless of their size or advertisement budget. We just list them all.
"If there's a shop, it's shown on the map."
Use our map as a pocket guide to find local shops & places, there's always stuff near you that you didn't know about. See here how to navigate our map the best and -since we've just started officially- you can help us by sharing our website!
How it works.
Here's how to use these handy-dandy navigation buttons, and below are some search examples!
Pro-tip: You can click anywhere on the map (like f.e. a shop) and information will popup!
QUICK - If you're in need of a quick search then check this out, it's also full of great suggestions! For example: Need a
quick coffee? or a
Parking? or maybe a
Co-working space? or a
Night shop?
We've got you covered!
MEET UP - With a click you can drop an arrow on the exact point to meet up with other people and share the link. Always great for when you're in a hurry, don't speak the language or are meeting up in an big open place. Saves a lot of time!
LOCATE - This works with GPS. Got lost on the map or need to find yourself quick? Just click the locate button!
ROUTING - Find your way from A to B on the quick, weather it's with bicycle, on foot or car. There's a second option for cars that gives you the quickest route while checking traffic conditions. Easy huh! Little extra: all markers are draggable!
SHARE - Share the exact map you see in front of you with friends or other people. UPDATE: You can now also share individual places through the icon in the pop-up! The link also includes any markers you've searched for, like ice cream shops or sport centers.
Q - I need chocolate. Now.
A - Sir yes ma'm! No questions asked. Click here . For next time, you can also find it in the Quicklist. Guten appetit!
Q - It's 2 AM and I just had some beers 'n everything is closed and I could definitely use a toilet..
A - Yah we got ya! or take a look in the Quicklist.
Q - I'm on a budget and need some free wifi.
A - With
these places you can get some wifi.
Q - My question isn't listed.
A - No problem, just write us:
Q - What's the idea behind Lokjo?
A - We believe in locals & retailers who make a living out of selling their products/services because they love what they do. Current maps are focused mainly on heavy advertising budgets, which ends in most shops being hidden underneath the huge ones in complicated 'zoom levels'. So while searching on Lokjo, we put all those other shops in the spotlight, and give everybody a fair place.
Q - What's the difference between Lokjo and other maps?
A - There's a few very important things that we do different:
- We're European!
- We're nonprofit. Which also means we don't track or sell your information, because we don't have it.
- In our search results we display all locations that are not corporate or chains. (these show up as red dots while searching for locations) This is to make people realise there is way more to find then the usual big & cheap ones. It's needed.
- When searching for locations, we display all locations at once, just so you get a clear view of what's really around.
Q - Do you have an App?
A - We're thinking about it if it would be useful. With your browser you already have all of our services on the tip of your fingers. And -even better- you can just add a short-link on your homescreen, so you can click it and the map will open on your location, just like an App! And in case you need a wi-fi spot, there's always some around, see the 'Quick list' for 'wi-fi spot'
Q - What happens with my data?
A - We're non-profit, don't use cookies or store any data because we simply don't have interest in it. That's also why we don't need to offer an app. On top of that, it makes our map super duper fast.
Q - You look like googlemaps.
A - Although this is not, we do get this comment a lot. The possible reason for this is very simple and has a bit to do with the well-known 'bubble': once you've found a product, you'll stop searching for others, and end up thinking that there are no other products. When a company is huge it doesn't mean they are 'the inventor' of the service they deliver, or the best one around. They just have the biggest budget, which has nothing to do with the quality of their service. The applications we use are based on the average ones that people are used to have from other maps like f.e. Qwant, Yandex, Bing, Here, Mapquest and other ones. And of course -appart from the design- we are completely different from all of these.
Q - What does it cost to be listed in the search results?
A - Nothing! We use open data from , a platform with over a million volunteers world wide, updating the map, roads, locations etc in their area. This includes any shops. So if you have a shop then it should be already listed on the map. If you're new or found something wrong, just write us and we'll take a look into it.
Q - After searching locations, some are shown with a red dot.
A - These are for locations that are corporate or chains, and don't show any information about the place. We do this because on our map we support fair policies, and shops whose primary target is to make a living by serving products.
Q - My shop isn't shown on the map.
A - This -most probably- is because the 'visual' map we use (Mapbox) can have delays in updating their map-images, so only some patience is needed. At the same time you should be able to find the location through the search-form, or with a general search. For example if you have a coffee-bar then just search for 'coffee-break' and a marker should show the place. In case it truly isn't there, please see the question below here.
Q - I'd like to add a place or update information.
A - Perfect! Our map uses date from Openstreetmap which is collected by volunteers all over the world. If you'd like to join the club then you can open an account on and from there you can edit the map's locations and information, like for example update the opening hours or add a new location. But if you just like to send a little correction then feel free to let us know in the Feedback form, on the bottom in the 'additional comments' field.
Q - I'd like to add a mural (street-art).
A - Oh that would be great, we have an online tool for that! Please note that it HAS to be a 'mural painting', minimum 2 floors high. Sadly we can't allow graffiti, because these change too often and we simply don't have the resources to keep that up to date on a world wide scale.
Add your mural here.
Without feedback we wouldn't have been able to build this wonderful map.
Fill in this 2 minute feedback form and help us grow:
Feedback form
Updates are done regularly, we are starting to get a lot of feedback and are adapting to that, so be sure to check back for new stuff!
- Do a quick 1 minute test on your online behaviour and see how well you support European services and companies!
- Share individual places! Now you can share a location with a friend by sending a direct link.
- We've got German language!
- Satellite view is here, yeay! It's also a great advantage for using the 'here' function.
- A to B routing has arrived!
- A more compact design to get everything in max 3 clicks.
- Introduced the 'MEET UP' button, a little nifty function to quickly share a point to meet up.
- substitute list with european services
For general contact you can reach out here:
The website is running on: Hosting
Many thanks for help with the developing go to:
Now if you'll excuse us, we're going for a quick coffee break
©2024 | An individual initiative.